The Youngest and the Oldest
Descendants of
Simon Lereau dit L'Heureux
Youngest | Oldest
| Recently Departed | Statistics
Recent Births
Audrey Lucille L'Heureux, born July 5, 2006 in Modesto California.
daughter of Paul Bradsley and of Denise L'Heureux. She is the granddaughter
of Raymond L'Heureux (#78) and the great granddaughter of Raoul
L'Heureux, the oldest L'Heureux we know (see below).
Ascendance: Audrey, Denise, Raymond, Raoul, Omer, Omer,
Jean, François, François, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre,
Alexander Joseph Martineau, born Dec.10,2002, in Cleveland,
Ohio, son of Paul Anthony Martineau Jr.and Jennifer Hritz. Ascendance:
Alexander Martineau, Paul Martineau Jr., Paul Martineau Sr., Robert
Martineau, Maria Depot, Arthemise L'Heureux, Neree, Joseph, Joseph,
Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Emily Clara Lerouge, born June16, 2002 in Edmonton, AB,
daughter of Jeff Lerouge and Erin Miller. Ascendance: Emily Lerouge,
Jeff Lerouge, Elaine L'Heureux, Edouard Antoine, Onesime, Onesime,
Jacques, François, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Ephraim James Proferes-Rehfeld, born June 18, 2002 in Alaska,
daughter of Michelle Robbins Proferes-Rehfeld and John Alexander
Proferes-Rehfeld. He is the great grandson of Charleen Mickelson-Roa
(#37) and the youngest of five living generations. Ascendance:
Ephraim Proferes-Rehfeld, Michelle Robbins, Michael Robbins, Charleen
Michelson, Peter Michelson, Marie-Louise Croteau, Edmund Croteau,
Elmire St-Mars, Modeste Cinq-Mars Guillet, Brigitte L'Heureux, Louis,
Joseph, Joseph, Sixte, Simon.
Devyn Thomas Martineau, born on Dec. 12, 2001, in Shelby
Township, Michigan, son of Thomas Robert Martineau and Janet Lee
Jackson. Ascendance: Devyn Martineau, Thomas Martineau, Robert
Martineau, Maria Depot, Arthemise L'Heureux, Neree, Joseph, Joseph,
Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Sierra Kristine Pittman, born July 20, 2001 in Elko, Nevada,
daughter of Charlyn Ann Robins-Pittman (#54) and Clarence Leroy
Pittman. Mother and daughter are doing fine. She is also the granddaughter
of Charleen Mickelson-Roa (#37). Ascendance: Sierra Pittman,
Charlyn Robbins, Charleen Michelson, Peter Michelson, Marie-Louise
Croteau, Edmund Croteau, Elmire St-Mars, Modeste Cinq-Mars Guillet,
Brigitte L'Heureux, Louis, Joseph, Joseph, Sixte, Simon.
Nathan Floyd Okerlund, born on February 21,2001, in Hayward
CA, son of Dennis & Jeanne L'Heureux Okerlund and the
grand-daughter of Raymond L'Heureux (#78). Ascendance:
Nathan Okerlund, Jeanne L'Heureux, Raymond, Raoul, Omer, Omer, Jean,
François, François, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Fraternal Twins were expected in April 2000, in Perth Australia,
to Craig Udy and Elize Martine L'Heureux (#45). Ascendance:
Elize, Michel, Raymond, Henri, Louis, Onésime, Amable, Jean-Baptiste,
Louis, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Olivia Frances Skrepnek, born on March 26, 2000, in Toronto,
Ontario, daughter of Keith Skrepnek and Marcia Inch. She is the
great grand daughter of John Tremblay (#46). Ascendance:
Olivia Skrepnek, Keith Francis Skrepnek, Brenda Tremblay, John Tremblay,
Lucien Tremblay, Marguerite Senecal, Rose-Delima L'Heureux, Pierre,
Pierre, Charles-Joseph, Louis, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Philippe Joel and Henri Paul Martineau (identical twins), born
on April 23, 1999, in Shelby Township, Michigan, sons of Thomas
Robert Martineau and Janet Lee Jackson. They are the grandsons of
a non registered cousin, Robert Martineau and the first cousins
once removed of Julie Martineau-Sipior (#18). Ascendance:
Philippe and Henri Martineau, Thomas Martineau, Robert Martineau,
Maria Despots, Arthemise L'Heureux, Neree, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph,
Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Kimberly Justina Pittman, born April 25, 1999, in Elko,
NV, daughter of Charlyn Ann Robins-Pittman (#54) and Clarence Leroy
Pittman. She is also the granddaughter of Charleen Mickelson-Roa
(#37). Ascendance: Kimberly Pittman, Charlyn Robbins, Charleen
Michelson, Peter Michelson, Marie-Louise Croteau, Edmund Croteau,
Elmire St-Mars, Modeste Cinq-Mars Guillet, Brigitte L'Heureux, Louis,
Joseph, Joseph, Sixte, Simon.
Megan Rose Okerlund, born February 16, 1999 in Hayward,
CA, daughter of Dennis Okerlund and Jeanne L'Heureux Okerlund and
the grand-daughter of Raymond L'Heureux (#78). Ascendance:
Megan Rose Okerlund, Jeanne L'Heureux, Raymond, Raoul, Omer, Omer,
Jean, François, François, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre,
Cora Lynn Donovan, born January 17, 1999, at Parkland Medical
Center, Derry, New Hampshire, daughter of Kevin Donovan and Amanda
Mack. She is the grand-daughter of Debra Case-Donovan (#9).
Acendance: Cora Donovan, Kevin Donovan, Debra Case, Mary-Jane
Yvon, Edward Yvon, Leonce Hivon, Joseph-Louis Hivon, Joseph Hivon,
Antoine Yvon, Charles-François Yvon, Marie Lereau, Sixte,
Natalie Grace Darveaux, born December 29, 1998 at 4:43 PM
(9 lb. 2 oz and 20" long) at University of Chapel Hill Hospital,
Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina, daughter of Blaise
Darveaux (#61) and Betina DeScisciolo. Ascendance: Natalie
Darveaux, Blaise Darveaux, Gerald Darveaux, John Henry Darveaux,
Louis Darveau, Louis Darveau, Louis Jacques Darveau, Marie Marguerite
Lereau, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Kenyon Alain Kofoed, born December 2, 1998 at 12:49 am (8
lb 5 oz and 20" long), son of Joanne Verville (#47) and Samuel
Kofoed. The godparents will be be the cousins of Joanne, Julie and
Eric Audet. Ascendance: Kenyon Kofoed, Joanne Verville, Lise
L'Heureux, Donat, Amédée, Joseph, Joseph, Charles-Joseph,
Louis, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
- Eric L'Heureux, born August 16, 1998, son of Yves L'Heureux
and Cindy Desouza. He is the first cousin once removed of Louise
L'Heureux (#3). Ascendance: Eric, Yves, Roger, Joseph, Léon,
Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
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The Oldest
- Eveline Lachapelle-Pironti, born April 25, 1909 in Ste-Pie
de Bagot, QC, presently living on Cape Cod and a grandaughter of Arthemise
L'Heureux and Jean-Baptiste Depot. She is the aunt of Julie Martineau-Sipior
(#18). She has four great-grandchildren. Ascendance: Eveline
Lachapelle, Lydia Depot, Arthemise L'Heureux, Nérée,
Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon
Lucien L'Heureux born January 12, 1919 son of Joseph and
Josephine Lafrance. He is the uncle of Louise L'Heureux (#3)
and lives in Montreal-Nord, QC. He has six grandchildren. Ascendance:
Lucien, Joseph, Léon, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre,
Jean L'Heureux born August 20, 1920 son of Joseph and Josephine
Lafrance. He is the uncle of Louise L'Heureux (#3) and lives
in St-Sauveur, QC. He has nine grandchildren. Ascendance: Jean,
Joseph, Léon, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
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The Oldest Recently Departed
Maurice Victor L'Heureux, born May 23, 1914, son of Victor
L'Heureux and Atala Gagnon, passed away on August 25, 2007. His
son Paul said: "My father had a rich, full life and I can tell
you for a fact that he was a HAPPY ONE.". Ascendance: Victor,
Francois-Xavier, Francois, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
L'Heureux, born January 1, 1917, son of Albert and Yvonne Monette,
passed away on October 26, 2006 at the age of 89. Joffre is the uncle
of Robert L'Heureux (#4). Ascendance: Joffre, Albert, François-Xavier,
Edouard, Jean-Baptiste, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon
L'Heureux, born October 20, 1905, son of Omer L'Heureux and
Albina Vigeant and the father of Raymond L'Heureux (#78)
died peacefully on July 18, 2006 at Sacred Heart Nursing Home in
New Bedford, MA. He was 100 years old. At the time of his death,
Raoul had an incredible 38 grandchildren, 64 great-grandchildren
and 10 great-great-grandchildren (updated Jan 2006). Ascendance:
Raoul, Omer, Omer, Jean, François, François, Pierre,
Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
L'Heureux, born June 26, 1914, son of Albert and Yvonne Monette
died on Jan 30, 2004 in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC at the age of
89. Alain is the father of Robert L'Heureux (#4). Ascendance:
Alain, Albert, François-Xavier, Edouard, Jean-Baptiste, Joseph,
Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon
Jerome Arthur L'Heureux, born April 18, 1906 (the
same day as the San Francisco earthquake) in Meriden, CT, died on
September 28, 2003 also in Meriden, CT where he spent most of his
life. He was 97 years old. He was the son of Arthur-Joseph Meredic
L'Heureux and of Alma Nobert. He was a retired physician. Jerome
had 19 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. He was the father
of Jacques René L'Heureux (#31). Ascendance: Jerome,
Arthur, Wilbrod, Leon, Joseph, Louis-Michel, Louis, Joseph, Sixte,
Malvina Croteau, born Jan 4, 1907 in Biwabik, Minnesota, died
on May 26, 2003 at the age of 96. She was the daughter of Edmond
Croteau and Cécilia Gagnon and the aunt of Charleen Roa
(#37). Leona and her husband Andrew Chesler lived in Eveleth,
Minnesota and celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary in 2000.
As of 1997, they already had 39 great-grandchildren.. Ascendance:
Leona Croteau, Edmund Croteau, Elmire St-Mars, Modeste Cinq-Mars
Guillet, Brigitte L'Heureux, Louis, Joseph, Joseph, Sixte, Simon.
Marie Anne Boisselle-Beaudoin, born on July 26th, 1918 in
Gravelbourg, SK died in Gravelbourg on August 24th, 2000, at the
age of 82. She was married to Rolland Beaudoin and was the
daughter of Omer Joseph Boisselle and Caroline L'Heureux. She was
the mother of Andre Beaudoin (#15). Ascendance: Marie
Anne Boiselle, Caroline L'Heureux, Alexandre, Joseph, Joseph, Jean-Baptiste,
Louis, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Lucille Korabiowski-L'Heureux, born in Woonsocket, RI in
1927 died at Landmark Medical Center in Woonsocket, RI on Sunday
28 May 2000 at the age of 73. She was married to the late Aldor
D. L'Heureux (1926-1993). She was the mother of Michael Allan
L'Heureux, cousin ( #41). Ascendance: Lucille Korabiowski,
Alderic L'Heureux, Joseph, Louis, Jean, François, François,
Pierre,Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Eva L'Heureux-Grimm, born September 18, 1904 in New Bedford,
MA, died on February 19, 2000 in Uniontown PA at the age of 95.
She was the daughter of Omer L'Heureux and Albina Vigeant and the
aunt of Raymond L'Heureux (#78). Ascendance: Eva, Omer,
Omer, Jean, François, François, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre,
Simone L'Heureux-Carmel, born April 16, 1913, daughter of
Albert and Yvonne Monette died on February 8, 2000 at the age of
86. She is the aunt of Robert L'Heureux (#4). Ascendance:
Simone, Albert, François-Xavier, Edouard, Jean-Baptiste,
Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Simone leaves one living brothers, Joffre born January 1, 1917.
Rose L'Heureux-Tambling, born November, 1905 in Princeton,
MA, the daughter of Alexandre L'Heureux and Rose-Anna Gregoire died
on April 25, 1999 in Manchester, CT at the age of 93. She
lived a very full life and went quietly in her sleep. She is the
grandmother of Brian Tambling (#70). Ascendance: Rose,
Alexandre, Magloire, Bénoni, Jean-Baptiste, Joseph, Joseph,
Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Lillian Gendreau-Figzgerald, born August 17, 1909 in Lowell,
MA, the daughter of Evelina L'Hérault and Wilfred Gendreau
died April 13, 1999 at the age of 89. She died on what would have
been her 65th wedding anniversary. She is the mother of John
Fitzgerald (#28). Ascendance: Lilian Gendreau, Evelina L'Hérault,
François-Xavier, François, Louis, Jean-Baptiste, Louis,
Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
L'Heureux, born August 30, 1916, son of Joseph and Josephine
Lafrance died April 6, 1999 in Montréal QC. He was 82 years
old. He was the uncle of Louise L'Heureux (#3). He had four
grandchildren. Ascendance: Jacques, Joseph, Léon, Joseph,
Joseph, Joseph, Pierre, Pierre, Simon.
Marie Louise Lurix-Charris, born March 10, 1895, daughter
of Joseph Olivier (Lurix) L'Heureux, died November 18, 1997 in Easton
CT. She was 102 years, 8 months and 8 days old. She
was the aunt of George Erkes (#24). Ascendance: Marie-Louise,
Joseph Olivier, Olivier, Joseph, Jean-Baptiste, Louis, Pierre, Pierre,
Sammy L'Heureux, born February 5, 1911 in Batiscan, QC, son
of Donat L'Heureux and Antoinette Dumont died April 20, 1997 in
Cap-de-la-Madeleine, QC. He was 86 years old. He was the father
of Jacques L'Heureux (#1). In 1997, he had three grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren. Ascendance: Sammy, Donat, Telesphore,
Cyrille, Valère, Pierre, Louis, Joseph, Sixte, Simon.
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Other Age Statistics
I have extracted the following information from the database that includes
my ancestors and the descendants of Simon Lereau dit L'Heureux.
Male |
Female |
Average Age at Death |
49.0 |
48.2 |
Maximum Age at Death |
103.0 |
102.7 |
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Send your comments and suggestions to Jacques
Copyright © Jacques L'Heureux
- All rights reserved.
Last modified:
August 4, 2008